
Our Worship

Our worship could be described as ‘modern traditional’ we use all sorts of music in our services. We use a modern translation of the bible to help us all understand what we are hearing. Each week me have members of the congregation leading our prayers and reading scripture as part of our worship. We celebrate Holy Communion four times a year and mark the seasons of Advent leading to Christmas and Lent leading to Easter as part of our services – so we have traditional elements but feel free to include modern elements too. The shape of our services are always open to change to see what makes the strongest connection with people.

To help us we use a projection system for hymn words and teaching points as well as an audio system with a hearing loop for those who can benefit from that. More recently we have started recoding and posting our services and when the infrastructure allows it we plan to live stream our services. You can catch up on services we have done on the ‘service replay’ page or Watch Again tab on our home page.

A church service is held on a Sunday morning at 10:00 - 11:00